How should I work with PTSD alongside chronic pain?
When doing an imagery conversation with someone who has died, what if they say something unhelpful?
How much alcohol use is too much for trauma-focused therapy?
My client is too ashamed to talk about their trauma – how can I help?
How do I manage the risk of vicarious traumatisation when the trauma resonates with my own life?
My client will be giving evidence in court soon – should I offer trauma-focused treatment?
How do I use trigger discrimination techniques following a sexual assault trauma?
Are trauma-focused psychological therapies safe for pregnant women?
My client has gaps in their memory of the trauma – what do I do?
My client made a decision that led to their trauma. How do I help them with their guilt?
What do I do when my client still has contact with their abuser?
How can I tell if someone is having re-experiencing symptoms or ruminating?
My client wants to do something violent in an imagery rescript - should I let them?
My client keeps talking in the past tense during imaginal reliving - should I correct them?
How much should I ask about the trauma in the assessment?